Does the following situation sound familiar to you? You’re waiting at the bus stop and there is this beautiful women, also waiting. The display says the next bus will arrive in 9 minutes. You consider approaching her, but immediately the voice in your head starts to bring up reasons why you shouldn’t. It’s not enough time. What if she’s not interested and then I have to sit in the same bus for 20 minutes. Awkward!
On top of that, I don’t know what to say anyway. I could simply swipe on Tinder in the meantime. Way safer anyway. And this way I would know safe whether that girl is even single or not. A gorgeous girl like this one is never single anyway… bla bla bla. So or similar was what happened to me. Again and again.
If you’re single and only remotely aware of what your mind is telling you when you’re about to step out of your comfort zone, that’s what goes on. Or at least similar.
Why do I know that? Because I’ve been there. I was a slave of my mind, holding myself back. Keeping myself from what I wanted. What I’m capable of. All I simply needed to understand was that there is no damn reason not to approach. And that every approach, no matter the outcome, is ten times better than lying in bed at night, alone, asking yourself how this one girl, you were attracted to today, might be in a conversation and knowing that I missed the one chance to find out.
So if you’re in this situation yourself next time – See that it’s bullshit! She is not a saber-tooth tiger. She won’t bite your head off. Even if she’s not interested or has a boyfriend, most girls are impressed, if you have the balls to go over and risk rejection.
At the same time, it feels way more rewarding, to step out of your comfort zone, than asking yourself for the rest of the day what could have been. So… do it!
If you’re already aware of how your mind holds you back all the time, don’t be to hard on yourself either. Understand that your system always simply wants your best. It always wants to keep you safe.
And your subconscious believes that it’s safest for you, if you remain in your routines all the time. Because that’s just what you know best. But even if that would be safer, it might hold you in solitude and keep you from discovering your true potential.
Life is about growth, challenge, pushing your boundaries. Especially for masculine energy.
So how to go from here? First, start to simply watch the inner voice. With compassion. And then let it be and approach whenever you come across a beautiful woman and would like to know more about her.
Don’t push the thoughts away. Let them be there. Just don’t let them carry you away. Don’t let it keep you small. Go and get what you want!
Do what others don’t. Be different. And therefore already more attractive than most guys.
What to say after stepping over? Just use the positive lines that your mind gives you. Do you want to know her name? Ask her. Do you find her very attractive. Tell her. Be honest, be authentic and therefore successful.
It’s not about what you say that will make you successful. It’s simply the act itself that is attractive.
So if you want my direct help for your personal dating challenges, just go on my landing page and book a free call for a check of your situation with me.
Thank you for your trust, lots of success, bye for now!
Ah one more thing, if you always drive your Porsche to work, consider switching to the metro – one of the best places to challenge yourself and meet new people.